25 Excellent Web Design Courses You Can Follow Online

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

So, you want to learn to make websites? We found the easiest way for you to learn how to become an amazing web designer. We’ve gathered here a list of articles that are perfect to help you understand both the basics and the more advanced concepts of web design and web development. You will also get familiar with the tools of the trade and learn how to create unique websites with ease.

Some of these web design courses are free, while others require a membership, or a one-time fee. Also, some come as written tutorials, while others offer videos and even e-books!

By following any of these web design courses you will learn how to read and write HTML5 and CSS3, structure and design web pages and sites, prepare images, audio and video for the web, control typography and layout and you will also find lots of helpful hints and practical advice alongside the code.

Besides HTML and CSS, you will also learn about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital. The courses are designed to get you comfortable working through common problems you’ll be called upon to solve, in an interactive way!

If you learn better in groups, some of these online web design courses also offer the possibility to join thousands of front-end professionals and master JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3 and UI frameworks with ease! Also, there’s a solution for those who strive on 1 on 1 training as well.  You can learn to build websites, apps and games in a fun and effective way and get help from experts when you need it.

These web design courses are all self-paced and taught by experienced practitioners with a passion for sharing practical lessons from the design trenches. Once you finish a course, you will be able to use your new skills and start your web design business, or land your dream job!

Some of these web design courses won’t limit at teaching you just how to design. Instead, they will also give you valuable information on how to troubleshoot minor problems and intelligently communicate with clients and collaborators, These are essential skills, especially if you want to be a freelancer or start your own web design agency.

So here they are! Which one of these great web design courses will you choose to follow? Whether you’re a beginner or want to upgrade your skills, you will definitely find something useful for you in this list.

Never stop learning!

Web Development for Beginners from WebPlatform


The HTML & CSS Book from Wiley Books


Getting Started with HTML5 from Geek Champ


Learning Javacript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani


Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke


jQuery Fundamentals from Bocoup


Tuts+: Learn HTML & CSS in 30 Days


Learn by Doing at Code School


Frontend Masters


Code Avengers




Build an HTML and CSS Website From Scratch with Skillshare


Infinite Skills: HTML5 Training Bundle


MSDN: HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals – Development for Absolute Beginners


Web Making 101 at P2PU


Saylor University: HTML and CSS for Beginners


HTML and CSS for Beginners on Learntoprogram.TV


Mentor Training with Thinkful.com


O’Reilly School of Technology: Introduction to HTML and CSS


Codementors: Instant help for Coding


Stack Overflow Forums


HTML5 Rocks



HTML5 Doctor






The post 25 Excellent Web Design Courses You Can Follow Online appeared first on Web Design Blog | Magazine for Designers.

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