20 jQuery Plugins for Beginner Web Developers

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Here is an excellent collection of 20 jQuery plugins for beginner web developers that you can use when designing a website. These tools are very useful and can be added to your webpage in just a few easy steps.

These great plugins are meant to help you save time and create stunning effects without much coding knowledge. All you need to do is to download and add the plugin to your website, edit its features to make it as you want, and you are done.

You will find various plugins that can be used for many purposes such as sliders, create sticky or responsive elements, manage notification alerts, add animation,  typography, scroll up, grid image layout, motion captcha, and more.


Chosen is a neat jQuery plugin which helps to make the select boxes more likable. It also sets various default field texts such as ‘Choose a country.’.



Spin.js is a great jQuery plugin that has the following features: highly configurable, resolution independent, compatible with all major browsers, and more.


Nivo Slider

Nivo Slider is a wonderful jQuery plugin that comes with 16 transition effects such as slicing, sliding, fading, folding and more. This plugin will definitely make your website more appealing to visitors.



Pickadate is a neatjQuery plugin that has lots of customizable features. You can modify the date & time by editing the month, the year, etc.


jQuery UI Slider

UI Slider is a simple jQuery plugin that is basically a horizontal slider with a handle that can be moved by using your mouse or the arrow keys.



NOTY is a great jQuery plugin which helps you rapidly create alert, error, warning information. This is very useful for notification and it can be positioned in various locations: top left, top center, top right, bottom left, etc.


Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a responsive jQuery plugin which looks beautiful on any device at any resolution. It includes single image lightbox, lightbox gallery, zoom-gallery.


Responsive Elements

Responsive Elements is a very useful jQuery plugin that is very important to any website. It makes any element responsive therefore fully adaptable to any screen.


Fancy Input

Fancy Input is a great jQuery plugin that gives a nice CSS3 effect to typing in text area fields.  It is a fun plugin and will definitely get your attention.



Sticky is a neat jQuery plugin which makes any element from your website ‘sticky’ in a given place, which makes it visible at all times.



DataTables is a great jQuery plugin which assists you in controlling any HTML table. Take a look at its full features and use it in your projects.



Lettering is a neat jQuery plugin which gives you control over each letter from a typography. It is fun to use and has great features. Take a look at this plugin and use in for yourself.


Syntax Highlighter

SyntaxHighlighter is a very useful  jQuery plugin which you can definitely use for your websites. Take a look at its full features and see what it can do for you.



qTip2 is a great jQuery plugin which is ready to use and will help you save some time. Take a look at its full features and use it for your websites.



Lifestream is a nice jQuery plugin that you can download and use for your websites. It is a great tool for beginner web developers.



MotionCAPTCHA is a neat jQuery plugin which makes users sketch a shape in order to send a request, submit a form, send a message, etc.



Chart.js is a great jQuery plugin that allows you to visualize your content in 8 various ways, all of them are animated and have customizable features.



Masonry is a neat jQuery plugin which assists you in placing elements in a grid layout. It calculates the vertical space and it positions the elements accordingly.


Slick Nav

Slick Nav is a great jQuery plugin that is very useful to any website. It is a great tool for both web developers that are at the beginning of their career, as well as for the experienced ones.



ScrollUp is a nice jQuery plugin that offers various customizable elements for the ‘Scroll to top’ option for a website. It is a very useful tool that you can use to rapidly get on top of the web page.



The post 20 jQuery Plugins for Beginner Web Developers appeared first on Web Design Blog | Magazine for Designers.

via http://ift.tt/2iAmgSJ

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