Design your way

Monday, March 6, 2017

Sounds challenging, doesn’t it?

It is difficult to improve your conversion rate, especially if we remember how difficult it is to develop (and execute) such marketing strategies which bring visitors in the store to start with.

You might have grabbed the attention of millions, but that won’t reward your marketing struggle unless there is a purchase.

Your visitors should become your customers or clients. Otherwise, your business will become an endless black hole, which drains your money and time, but doesn’t reward the effort.

Therefore, the task is to encourage people to purchase our product/service. Here are few tricks that can help us:

There must be a reason why visitors are not buying your products

Regardless of whether it is a product, service or information, you’re still a vendor on the web. The same challenge counts for you too: How to inspire people to buy more? How to inspire people to buy at the first place?

The first thing you need to do is to develop a realistic image about your online conversions. If you feel something is missing, you’re probably right.

And it is not necessarily related to your web design.

So, go ahead and wake up emotions. Motivate complete strangers to click on your homepage and ask them what they think and what they want to do. Improve the moment by adding a list of products/services which can really improve their lives.

Turning visitors into customers – How to do it?

Provide irresistible content

Image source: Tintins

Promote it as much as you want – if it is not good, it will not be purchased. You need to thrill your audience with awesome content and to provide quality as the leading marketing tool.

It is the beginning of all your efforts-providing something that is breathtaking and everyone wants to have it.

Choose valuable words. Use extraordinary order. Be as visual as you can and leave nothing to imagination. Present your information with interesting videos or slideshows.

Include exiting people and experiences. It is the best way to test the results of your product and to share pleasant experiences with as many people as possible.

Make sure customers know exactly what you are offering

Image source: Nick Buturishvili

Conversion rate optimization is possible only when all of your customer’s questions are answered. They will only make the purchase when they are sure what they are getting. That’s how people buy-they don’t hold to a product they know nothing about.

Give as many details as you can. Don’t hesitate to include more than one photo and make it a high quality one, so that they can see the product from every possible angle. If you’re introducing a promotional price, make sure you’re including the original one for comparison.

You are also expected to develop an outstanding communication method, in order to make sure customers have all information they need.

Identify the wishes of your visitors

A successful marketing strategy must begin with the wishes of visitors. If you manage to discover them, you’ll be able to generate sales even without the perfect strategy. If you fail, nothing you do will be enough to generate profit.

Service providers rarely have problems doing it. They interact directly with customers and they have a clear overview on their needs, problems, wishes, or dislikes. Every strategist should have the same in mind – using information to improve the current offer and to develop new ones.

Beware; it will be a challenging and continuous process. It will require testing and fast reaction when mistakes happen. Here come a couple of questions that can help you identify the wishes of your users:

  1. Are customers enthusiastic for this type of products/services?
  2. Which is the product/service they are purchasing from our competitors, that we could provide a better version of?

An urgent ‘must buy’

We can all agree – customers are sensitive to short deadlines and limited quantities. We need to convince them they are about to lose a precious offer unless they act immediately.

Basically, the feeling of urgency can increase website conversions: limited time for buying, restricted quantity, special offers.

Pop ups

People either love them or hate them. Sometimes, strategists need to be persistent and to convince customers to go for their products/services.

They might be hated, but are incredibly efficient. A study conducted by Nikki McGonigal returned 1,375% more subscribers through a popup than through a sidebar form.

This is especially helpful when a customer likes and appreciates your offer, but he is not sure whether to buy something at that particular moment.

If an interesting pop up appears on the screen to capture his attention, you are very likely to make a deal. However, it is up to you to decide whether this is a suitable tactic for your brand.

Have realistic expectations on your conversion rate optimization-with an average conversion rate of 2%, you lack 98% of customers; if with a pop up, the rate increases to 7% (which is very likely), you are gaining 5 out of 100 customers on your mailing list.

You want customers’ email addresses? Offer something in return! You can give them order discounts, shipping facilitations, or lower subscription rates.

Try using AdWords

AdWords is Google’s largely famous pay-per-click ad network that enables retailers on the web to share their advertisements on Google’s search pages or YouTube. Customers will appreciate your top-ranking presence and they will feel confident to purchase your products.

The best side of AdWords is its reach – it is fast and massive. With AdWords, you could launch a successful ad campaign in only few minutes and see your textual messages, pictures or video spreading successfully all over the web.

AdWords gives you a large number of options. For instance, you can introduce targeted advertisement which will appear only on particular browsers, or whenever a keyword is being researched. You can also choose for your ad to be triggered on particular websites or when a visitor is browsing for related terms.

Online stores from now on

Online store owners should never give up on improving their customer’s experience. In this aspect, it is essential to communicate with users and to be able to estimate their experience.

The most efficient way to achieve this is to contact ‘part-way’ customers, to interview potential customers and to rely repeatedly on most loyal users.

What can also be helpful is to observe the first-hand experience – in such way, you can deal with all usability troubles that may arise.

The number of customers who do online shopping is increasing every day.

Apply the techniques explained here and help an even larger proportion of the visitors to become buyers.


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