There is so much brilliant inspiration that can be gained from design quotes, such as “You can design and create the most wonderful place in the world”.
But it takes people to make the dream a reality.’ (famous quote by Walt Disney) and this is so true that with all the colours, textures and great array of design options we have available to inspire us it is the people actually working on our team that help to motivate us.
Our aim is that each quotation will give the reader further insight and inspiration into the world of design. We have so many successful people in the industry that we can draw from.
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” (Steve Jobs) It is important to remember that in design it is the impression and working of the piece as a whole and how it comes together rather than each individual aspect.
We can find inspiration from such a great array of famous people, from fashion design, interior design and even computer design. It is such a varied and complex, interloping field that inspiration can really come from quotes from the farthest stretches of the imagination.
Virtually every building, piece of art, contains design elements and wisdom that can be used to give new direction and approach to your design work.
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