Design your way

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

If you want to be a true professional, you will encounter this issue. Those who want to be designers wonder if it is necessary to learn how to write code as well.

Sites are becoming more complicated and the simple knowledge of CSS & HTML is what good designers need to be able to keep up to deliver good designs.

What does it really mean to be a web designer anyway? Different people have different ideas on the subject. Some believe such a person is just a designer or, let’s say, graphic artist.


Others believe a web designer is one who can make an HTML and CSS layouts with interactions that use JavaScript. Some people have an idea of a web designer as a person somewhere between these two extremes, and the variety of ideas is enormous.

Layouts designed with at least some knowledge of HTML are more effective than ones made by people who know only Photoshop.

We mustn’t forget that CSS and HTML are both visual languages and websites are increasingly more interactive. Because they are so interactive, it is unlikely to create many such pages with just Photoshop. One can’t see the reactions of users in Photoshop. It helps to be able to think of code that will make sites interactive.


There are many advantages of knowing how to write code. There are multiple free resources to learn, resources one can find quite fast, if there’s a need for it. Besides, you have to remember that those designers who know how to write code will be able to communicate effectively with the web developers. Maybe in this way, the dream of designers and developers getting along may not be so far away.

In addition, it will be easier to avoid simple mistakes. People will find a designer with coding knowledge more valuable than one without such knowledge.

You won’t learn code in a day

If you have no knowledge of web coding, it might look like a foreign language. You might be intimidated. Don’t think you can learn HTML in one day!

You will have to be dedicated and spend time studying before being able to memorize CSS properties and common page elements.

You have to learn that you should build websites properly and follow semantic rules. The one thing worse than a web designer who can’t write code is one who writes poor quality code.

You will find the newest specs on HTML5 can be easily understood. It will be simple to build a document online. Templates can be downloaded for free, and then you can experiment with the code.

That is the most efficient way to learn HTML. In that way, you will be learning from professionals. They will provide you with the best examples of how to do it the right way.

It is important to learn code as a web designer

If you can use Photoshop, HTML and CSS, you will be more effective than someone who can only write code or only use Photoshop. Although some view this is restrictive, it is actually liberating. After knowing how to design and code, you’ll see that you have a lot more job opportunities.


Coding and designing take a lot of time. When you are comfortable coding, you will cut out the steps of handing a mock up to a developer, just to redo in code what you did in Photoshop. This way not only you will save money, you will actually keep them for yourself instead of paying a developer for what you could do.

Where to learn to code



Many of the services on the list offer free ways to learn programming. Treehouse claims you will be able to work as a developer, even if you have no experience. It will be easier to learn wherever you go with the iPad app.

You will receive free training videos, a forum for members and a real-time Code Challenge Engine. If you pay a little more, you will receive more, such as workshops on new technology and feedback on your projects.



What may be the most renowned online training source, Codeacademy, can help you learn to create a webpage from scratch. You will learn the fundamentals, CSS and HTML.

You won’t be alone in your learning. You and friends can take programming together. This will help you to be better motivated. As a fast learner, you can be a course creator and create your own lessons.



Code School helps you learn web designing and programming online. There are courses from beginner to advanced, and you can earn badges and rewards.

With Code School you will receive video lessons, screencasts and coding challenges.



Dash teaches Javascript, HTML and CSS through projects in your browser you will find fun. With Dash, you will learn through real life scenarios—an advantage in learning. The lessons are level-based. You will write the code in your browser. You will find learning to be a web designer in this way to be quite fun.

There are also other sources where you could find useful information and tutorials about coding. These are just the ones where you have the option to go from basics to advanced techniques. If you don’t already know about StackOverflow, Codrops, CSS Tricks or Tutsplus, you should start browsing their content right now.


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