Design your way

Monday, November 19, 2018

Has it happened to you to work on a project and you needed a CSS cheat sheet or a JavaScript one? Yeah, it happened to me too.

And it’s not a lot of fun to do a Google search, find what you want about a simple line of code, and then get back to your project. It takes you off the track a bit and while searching on Google you could stumble upon something else and procrastinate.

That’s why I created this article with HTML, CSS, and JS cheat sheet examples. In this way, you can pick the cheat sheet that works best for you and use it on your project, without wasting time.

Table of contents

HTML cheat sheet examples

If you want to learn HTML, a great cheat sheet will help you while you work. The HTML cheat sheets below will help to make your life much, much easier.

So whether you are an experienced developer who wants to streamline the process of working, or you’re just starting out, use one or more of these HTML cheat sheets to improve your efficiency.

HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML-Cheat-Sheet-3 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML Cheat Sheet (PDF)

HTML-Cheat-Sheet-2 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML Cheat Sheet

HTML-Cheat-Sheet-1 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

A Simple Guide to HTML

A-Simple-Guide-to-HTML-1 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML Color Codes

HTML-Color-Codes CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Basic HTML Coding Cheat Sheet (PNG)

Basic-HTML-Coding-Cheat-She CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML Cheat Sheet for Transition to HTML 5

HTML-Cheat-Sheet-for-Transi CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML5 Security Cheat Sheet

HTML5-Security-Cheat-Sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML Elements and Attributes

HTML-Elements-and-Attribute CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

HTML5-Canvas-Cheat-Sheet1 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS cheat sheet examples

If you’re using CSS to design a website (and you pretty much can’t do without), a CSS cheat sheet will come in handy.  A CSS cheat sheet is often used by web developers because it assists you with remembering each element of code, providing you with a reference.

These useful CSS cheat sheets will help you to take in all the code snippets you need with just a glance.

CSS Cheat Sheet

CSS-Cheat-Sheet-1 CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Introduction to CSS

Introduction-to-CSS CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS Layout Cheat Sheet

CSS-layout-cheat-sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS Click Chart

CSS-Click-Chart CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS Grid Cheat Sheet

CSS-Grid-Cheat-Sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Practical CSS Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Practical-CSS-Cheat-Sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Interactive CSS Cheat Sheet

Interactive-CSS-Cheat-Sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet

CSS3-Animation-Cheat-Sheet CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

CSS Almanac

CSS-Almanac CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Most Practical CSS Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Most-Practical-CSS-Cheat-Sh CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

JavaScript cheat sheet examples

By providing the ability to manipulate data, add animation or improve interactive features, JavaScript helps you to build an effective site.  Your end user may not realize the work behind the end design, but they appreciate the improved user experience.

Web developers know that JavaScript is vast.  You can acquire code from some good online libraries to help you while you work.  This will help you to build on the basics.

Yet, you might forget a certain code snippet or what a piece of code does.

We’ve pulled together some JavaScript cheat sheets to help you explore JavaScript and its many different elements.  We hope this helps you to get started.

Modern JavaScript Cheat Sheet

Modern-JavaScript-Cheat-She CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

All-In-One Cheat Sheet

All-In-One-Cheat-Sheet- CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Applying Nasa Coding Standards to Javascript

Applying-Nasa-Coding-Standa CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

king with functions (add default values to functions and throttle function on resize).

Learn X in Y minutes

Learn-X-in-Y-minutes CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

JavaScript Quick Reference

JavaScript-Quick-Reference CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

jQuery Selectors

jQuery-Selectors CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

JS Cheat Sheets

JS-Cheat-Sheets- CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Fancy Cheat Sheet

Fancy-Cheat-Sheet- CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

Quick API Reference

Quick-API-Reference- CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets


OverAPI- CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets

If you enjoyed reading this article about CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets, you should read these as well:


The post CSS, HTML, JavaScript cheat sheets appeared first on Design your way.


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