Design Your Way

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

If you have a small business, you are probably always on the lookout for new ways to get customers to your website. You might be wondering if you should hire a professional SEO company or if there are a few tricks that you can use to drive traffic to your site on your own.

According to Trackright, visual images and videos are very important tools for getting people to a website. Monitoring the performance of a visual image or piece of content is also critical. People tend to spend more time on a webpage if the visual content interests them.

A website with relevant images will have a high organic ranking in a Google search. Images will make your website look more visually appealing and professional.

Remember, not all images are created equally. It is important to select images that fit in with the overall theme and aesthetic of your site. There are a few basic tips to follow when selecting photographs and videos for your site.

Choose Quality Images

You should never be cheap when it comes to looking for images to put on your site. It never hurts to do a search for free or inexpensive images when you are initially searching for content, However, if you cannot find anything, you should not sacrifice quality.

Platforms like Pixabay offer beautiful photographs taken by professional artists for under $25; some are even free. You will not have to update your content very often if you select photos wisely.

Select Relevant Images

As you are combing the internet for the perfect picture to put on your website, you may come across a photo that speaks to you or a beautiful painting by an artist of enormous talent.

Selecting images for a website is different from selecting artwork for an office. Great art will not class up a website if the images are not directly related to what you do at your company. Find images that are relevant to your company and the written content with which you are posting it.

Let the Image Tell People Why They Should Patronize Your Business

The images that you use should make an argument for why a person should choose your business for whatever it is they need. For example, if you run a dentist’s office, you can post before and after pictures of real patients. If you are a massage therapist, post a picture of a person clutching their back.

Make a Video

A video of the owners or officers of a company talking about what they do can help to instill confidence in customers. Make a video talking about why you started the company and its core values.  You can also make videos talking about topics related to your profession. A potential customer may not have time to read a blog post, but they may have time to listen to a video while they work even if they do not watch it.

You know that great content makes for a successful website. Choosing the right images will take your site to the next level.

The post The Power of Visuals: How to Optimize Your Local SEO Strategy with Eye-Catching Images and Videos appeared first on Design Your Way.


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