Design Resource Box

Friday, February 1, 2013

If you are a designer with a really good workflow you find yourself in the need of vector illustrations or stock photos for your clients’ websites. And you can’t get just any free stock photo or illustration that you find online to satisfy your clients because those aren’t good enough and it makes your image hurt. Instead, you have to get a premium one, one that looks good and transmits a certain message to the visitors of your client’s website.

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A good place to get these kinds of resources is Depositphotos, where you will find massive amounts of visual resources that you can use.

There is a little bit of everything for everyone here. For example, if you are a web designer and are in search for some good icons, you can get one of these next two packages, for starters.

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And there are a lot more icons from which to choose from, a lot of icons that you can use in your web design projects.

You’ve seen that I’m posting on this site articles about textures, but those are free textures which are good, but not that good when you are working on a certain level and you will need top notch textures like the following one.

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Editorial writing, even if it’s done online for various websites and not just for magazines and newspapers, must be accompanied by good stock photos and illustrations as a visual aid for the reader and to make the article more visual attractive. Although, we were born in a time when images in books were a rare thing, times are changing and the new generations are looking for something more than what we previously had and you must use stock photos or illustrations like the following.

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