Design your way

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

When it comes to weddings, what abound are decorative ideas. We must make this day memorable, not only for the spouses but also for the guests.

We can make an impressive cocktail, create the best atmosphere, or even give a memory that lasts forever.  A card is a traditional option, and for yours to have an impact, today we will show you some wedding fonts that you can use.

Many elements are difficult to make on a card, such as what words to choose, or what design to use. In this last category, we find having to select the correct wedding font. Remember that the invitation card is the first thing your guests will see, so your design will be a reflection of your wedding.

It is not necessary to hire a designer to make an amazing card. Knowing the best fonts to write will be enough for you to make the memory yourself.

The wedding fonts that we present to you vary from the most sophisticated to some more rudimentary. Even the handwriting style has a space in the list.

If your wedding is outdoors, you are in a classic hall or opt for the traditional option of doing it in a church, we guarantee that you can find a font that fits your needs.

Cool wedding fonts

Great Vibes – Traditional Elegance

Great-Vibes Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Great vibes is the definition of classic wedding font. Its cursive style, with a slight inclination and pointed finishes, are perfect for a wedding card.

Despite being slightly deformed in size, they are the easiest to read cursive letters.

Meddon – When we want something vintage

Meddon Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

A vintage font is one that when we see it, we immediately think of the past. Meddon evokes this feeling with a cursive option very similar to the previous one, but which has its character.

A complete package that falls within the best free wedding fonts on the list to remember the last century.

Wedding Heart Monogram font – Get carried away by the hearts

Wedding-Heart-Monogram Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Hearts are the universal symbol for love (and friendship), and having them included in letters makes each word a romantic verse. But hearts are not the only detail that it adds since these letters also have an appearance similar to calligraphy by hand.

Its installation is easy, and using the special characters does not represent a major problem since it automatically adjusts to the keyboard.

Freebooter Script – A light view

Freeboter-Script Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Freebooter Script offers us a beautiful letter with fine and delicate strokes. Its contemporary style is perfect for all kinds of decorations, not just for cards.

Its popularity is such that it is very likely that you have seen it in some other formal event. In addition to being a fairly complete invitation font in content, it also has the quality of being free.

Playfair Display – Many options with a classic flavor

Playfair-display Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

The amount of options we get on Playfar Display is overwhelming. Almost 1000 different characters that meet in different sizes and thicknesses.

The best thing is that classic look that it has, being a formal option for our invitations. The Serif style maintains all its appeal in this font that has fine finishes in thick and thin lines.

Coneria Script – A constant ink flow

Coneria-Script Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

This dafont script is perfect for formal romantic events. Coneria offers us an elongated cursive letter with fine details that simulate a pen full of ink.

The cursive style it possesses is beautiful since it maintains the continuity of the line at all times. It is for personal use only, but we can get it with a standard and inclined style.

Georgia Script – For the modern woman

Georgia-Script Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

When we look for a letter that works for all kinds of situations, many wedding fonts will be useful for their elegance.

Georgia Script is one of them, which looks very feminine and unique thanks to its irregular cursive lines. If we can acquire it, we can create truly memorable prints.

Royal Wedding Font – That among royalty

royal-wedding Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Its name already indicates it, and it is that royalty cannot be missing when it comes to events such as weddings.

This handwritten typography has a slightly modern touch but follows the refined style of italics. It has special characters to create all kinds of writings, including a unique design for the double T.

Snell Roundhand – Do not settle for less

Snell-Roundhand Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

If we want to show all our pride in the wedding, Snell Roundhand allows you to do it without being excessive.

As if it were a perfect letter to create ornaments in iron, inclined cast characters have a thickness that constantly changes to simulate handwriting.

The Wedding Script – Many cursive alternatives

Wedding-Script Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Perhaps this cursive typeface is a bit exaggerated, but The Wedding Script offers us the thinnest and elongated characters we can see. It has more than 2000 glyphs since each capital letter includes up to eight different options to try.

Its use is also simple, just activate the contextual alternative and define by a number after a letter the type we want to use.

California Dreamer – A letter that is not saved from time

California-Dreamer Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

This font has an alternative that allows us to use it with a watercolor texture, which makes it look slightly blurred at the bottom, giving it a touch that has dried on the paper.

The shape of the characters as such are a traditional italic, so this set is safe for all types of formal events.

Antara Script Wedding Font – Let the curves speak for you

Antara Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

The Antara curve is distinctive. Its large continuous stroke allows it to make turns that other letters do not possess.

Each character has compatibility with others, especially when it comes to lowercase. Your wedding will demonstrate a great level of union with this elegant, slender and refined font.

Respective Font – Highlighting the details

Respective-font Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Weddings are not complete without the details. Respective Font takes this concept further, using curved lines that greatly highlight uppercase letters.

It has a charming style that will adapt perfectly to the most stunning weddings. The best, besides being free, is the variety of options you have for downloading.

Josefina – A freer letter

Josefina Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Josefina is the perfect match for a more formal letter since it has a jovial design that makes it cope with straight lines.

The filled tips of each of the characters create the illusion that the ink has been spilled, but all this is done while maintaining a certain level of harmony and order.

Compendium – A capricious font

Compendium Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Another alternative to cursive letters that become difficult to read (we don’t mean it in a bad way) because of the refinement of its line is Compendium. Each of the letters is a work of art, which will stand out more with refined colors, such as gold.

Compendium enters the list of the best wedding fonts for its variety of uses since it will not only be useful for invitations but any type of design.

Authenia – A quick brushstroke

Authenia-1 Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Authenia adopts a rustic style that stands out for its midline without ink. As if it were a brush, the carefree, fast and careless style of this font is perfect for outdoor events.

This package has been vectorized to be compatible with multiple sizes; also, this rustic wedding font has two types of lowercase letters to create texts with a variety of designs.

Wonderfebia – Modern, wide and textured

Wonderfebia Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

We have probably seen wooden signs with inspirational and romantic messages that decorate the walls of homes.

Wonderfebia is a perfect letter to write these messages. Its modern design with slightly thick letters makes it a very visible font, so it works for furniture and letters alike.

Sifted Wedding Font – A cheerful idea

Sifted Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Love must be cheerful, it must be special and show it in every stroke. Sifted inspires confidence in each stroke, with a beautiful hand calligraphy perfect for invitations.

Alex Brush – A bold style

Alex-Brush Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

A bold letter, where the lines have elegant but fast endings that make it gain a certain style; all while maintaining high readability.

In addition to being free, we can get it in various types and forms.

Bickham Script – Another Refined Alternative

Bickham-Script Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

The greatness that this font reflects will only be comparable with your wedding. If we are looking for a letter with which we can capture a golden color, then Bickham is our option.

Silver South – A hand and formal touch

Silver-South Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print

Silver South is a complete package that offers two contrasting alternatives. On one hand, we have a cursive letter with a fine and constant stroke.

On the other is a more classic option with perfect letters in design. A visual romance for our writings.

Ending thoughts on using wedding fonts 

In the end, we must use a letter that maintains a certain degree of readability, but at the same time adapts to the style of our wedding. Invitation cards are another part of the memory, and we must try to make them unique to last.

If you enjoyed reading this article about wedding fonts, you should read these as well:

The post Need some wedding fonts? Try these options for your print appeared first on Design your way.


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