Illustrations in Web Design: Showcase of 20 Illustrated Designs

Friday, September 7, 2018

There is a microcosm of different styles and designs that are incorporated into web design today. A large portion of those designs are illustrations, whether they are created digitally or traditionally, appearing intricate or simple. Either way, web design relies heavily on illustrators to create a vision for companies and their brand. Here, we will discover 20 illustrated web designs.

Major Savage

Major Savage is basically an online exhibition for a freelance interactive designer. He uses his web design and platform of a website in order to allow users to view his work and possibly employ him. With beautifully drawn, loud, bright and colorful images just demanding attention, anyone will be compelled to visit his site.

major savage

Caramel Budgie

Caramel Budgie is an online web design site, that offers custom made web designs as per request. Their illustrative web design is a peak at to what they offer as a company, and is a great way to showcase their work as web designers and illustrators.

caramel budgie

Reverend Danger

Reverend Danger is an interactive design website that has just that- interactive web design. This is created with animated illustrations that are interactive with the mouse or keyboard, allowing for any user to be engaged as soon as they enter the site.

reverend danger

Malika Favre

Another online portfolio and illustrated website is that of Malika Favre, who puts together many of her pieces on her home page in order to allow the user to see her potential when it comes to illustrated digital work.

malice favre

Daniel James Diggle

Daniel James Diggle has an online portfolio in the platform of a website, and his web design has to do with both illustration and animation, as the triangles you see move around, allowing for an interesting, bright and colorful home page to grab attention to anyone visiting.

Daniel diggle

In Space We Trust

This website uses interactive web design, including illustration, animation, sound design, and informative pieces about space exploration that will captivate any space lover immediately.


Gian Marco Design

Slightly different from the digital design that we’ve seen lately, Gian Marco Design exhibits his illustrative work that was created traditionally and by hand, allowing any viewer to appreciate the traditional way of creating art in a world so flooded recently by the digital age.

Gian marco

Pitch Tents

This website is exclusively what its’ name insinuates. This is a company that sells tents, and they decided that instead of having web design that was only photos of their products, that they might capture a whole new audience with their home page of illustrated design.

pitch tents

Kinetic V6

This site may be a bit much. The bright green typography is animated and moves back and forth quickly, as well as some of the illustrations as you scroll through. The illustrations, although not traditional, are exceptional and extremely interesting, and fun. It’s not every day that you find design like this, and I believe that it’s important to be able to find something that stands out from a crowd, instead of blending in like everyone else.

Toasted Digital

Toasted Digital is a great website that offers e-learning games, and offers for people to be more aware of engaging online games and design.

toasted digital

Tower Marketing

Like many web design and marketing websites that offer this service, Tower Marketing steps it up a notch by incorporating a number of great illustrations on their home page, in which gives a preview to potential clients that their knowledge of things like SEO and marketing, as well as skills with illustration are unmatched by their rivals.

tower marketing

Digital Profile

This professional job listing website allows people to job search, post a job, all while connecting businesses and people alike, this website uses digital illustrations and white space to emphasize those illustrations, in order to allow the ambiance or vibe that this website wanted to give off when visitors enter this website.

digital profile

Mystery Land

Mystery Land is exactly what it sounds like, a music festival. They used vibrant colors and juxtaposing designs and colors against each other in order to appeal to their target audience of younger people who want to have a good time, and enjoy these vibrant colors and gradients alike.

mystery land

A is for Albert

This website is an entire interactive, animated alphabet that offers calm and cool colors and beautiful textures that will emphasize the content that they are putting out on this web design. Along with sounds and additional animations, this illustrated web design is great for winding down, or simply for educational purposes.

a for albert


Neat made it easy to understand and get straight to the point with their illustrated web design, which is cleaning up after you move, which is a great niche, considering how exhausting it already is to move, let alone clean afterwards. Along with their illustrations on the home page, they allow the illustrations to speak for themselves and allow anyone looking for this service to be intrigued and excited to work with them.



Maztri is an architecture and design website, that includes an interactive and engaging animated illustration to be viewed on their home page, setting the tone for their overall style and work ethic.


Persona Project

This website and project was an interesting find. With the goal of the project being to find many different people in different walks of life, and interview them to see their views, values, beliefs and more in order to gain a more insightful view of America and Americans as a whole.

persona project

Proud and Punch

Proud and Punch is a website that showcases their products, being ice cream and the different flavors that they offer. Instead of having a boring website with images and not much else to offer, they allowed the beautiful digital illustrations come to life and give their products a fun and powerfully different way to view ice cream.

proud and punch


We Biq is a creative design website, using darker colors and small illustrations that bring it to life.

we biq

Jordy Alblas

Jordy Alblas is a web designer, and uses his website to showcase it. Along with his own animations, illustrations and web design, this online portfolio shows off his work in a positive light.

Jordy alblas

The post Illustrations in Web Design: Showcase of 20 Illustrated Designs appeared first on Web Design Blog | Magazine for Designers.


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