The Importance of a High-Quality Hero Image in Your Design

Monday, March 9, 2020

What captures your eye the most, the moment your finger clicks to open a website? Could it be the finely detailed visuals, the stylish fonts, the background design, or the bold image giving you a welcoming smile or statement facial expressions?

It has to be a female, male, or child’s face or some other image describing the purpose of the site in a nutshell.

Like some people, you may have observed this trend in most websites and probably didn’t understand its importance. If so, you are about to be empowered with quality knowledge that will not only increase the amount of the information you have in your head, but will help you give your business the life and soul it lacks.

That image is known as a “hero image” – hero because it leads you to success and you are constantly winning in the business when your website wears a heroic look.

It is now more mandatory than before to have a good website if you must have one, because your customers, potential clients, and visitors are very busy people with a very short attention span.

This keeps website developers in a constant search for ways to better the way websites are used and to ensure a visitor’s attention is captured and kept at first click. As wonderful as this looks and sounds, things do not just happen, so you need to deliberately configure your business page to suit the needs of the hasty client, and that is part of the task of the hero image.

With a good hero image on your page, you wouldn’t have to say much, as you can let the picture speak for itself because images speak louder than words always. Traditionally, the television medium always had a greater advantage over the radio because it made you sit to watch and listen to the news. But with radio, you can listen to it while multitasking, which is good, but the TV has all your attention with just one captivating scene, thanks to the power of “images.”

With the discovery of the power of the hero image, you are free to maximize all the potentials in hero-imaging. And here are more benefits awaiting you when you use premium stock content on Focused Collections to help you with quality hero images that will not only introduce your business to the world, but will drive traffic to your page, which is what you deserve.

Importance of Hero Images

Influences visitor’s opinions about your business.

They always said “the first impression says it all.” What impression do you want your customers to hold about you or your services? A hero image is one of the most important elements in web design and an appropriate one can get you your customer’s trust and confidence. They easily believe your promises in the services you pledge and the wrong or inappropriate image gets their fingers on the exit button, driving them away. So, you see, getting a hero image on your page is a wonderful addition to your web’s display, but the unfortunate and avoidable flaw is not getting high-quality images.

It aids page navigation


hero image aids in page navigation

Once the visitor’s mind has formed an opinion about your business or services from the image staring at him/her, their next instinct will naturally be to find out that opinion. They navigate through the website to confirm that opinion and discover more offerings you would have that would reinforce the opinion or dissuade it.

This is how the human mind works, so it calls for carefulness and premium consideration in your choice of a hero image.

A clothing line with a site like T.M. Lewin pictured above leaves you with no hassles in finding your way through the site. And when your image is designed by Focused Collections, you are assured of not only the right image, but images that will help in navigation as well.

It should be able to engage

Hero image engages visitors

One of the beautiful things about pictures is that you almost hear what the image is saying as it takes you on a journey through the pages of the website. And this happens when your page has a good and appropriate hero image(s) on it; displaying your USP uniquely and enticing will keep your visitor longer on your page and with a sharp CTA, they are subtly guided to action/purchase.

No visitor will waste his/her time on a boring page, take a look at this McDonald’s design, doesn’t this make you hungry already? These sort of images does not have a hard time convincing the client(s) to take the necessary action. Also, premium stock content on Focused Collection have a reputation for engaging web visitors and leading them to the key button of action.

It helps to complement other web elements

Hero image compliments other elements

Have you ever picked a romance fiction novel and find an image of a soccer event on the first page? What was your first reaction as a non-soccer fan? Predictably, you left the book on the shelf and never read the story. Or you open a food blog and saw runway models in a fashion display, you will unconsciously click the exit button.

Now, these two scenes happen not because they are not quality hero images but because they failed in complementing the idea of the page. And the law of congruency, unachieved and defeated as it could not meet the need of the customer.

Like earlier said, a good hero image must not only be quality but must engage every web visitor the way pictures are meant to do but how can an image engage when it fails to agree with the idea(s) of the company. like Apple’s website, the design here conveys the message of the product and not otherwise. And in navigating, the slider here with images is used to lead the visitor(s) through the site to where they make their buying decision. Entrusting Focused Collection means giving your website the chance to grow sales with the production of royalty-free photos that best captures your ideas, complements your ideas along with other web elements, and keep your visitors engaged.

It aids in illustration.

Hero image helps illustrate ideas and products

Illustration of ideas does not end in the classroom; some products require illustration to help the potential clients understand the offering(s) especially some technical products or any new idea or product you are introducing. By now, you are acquainted with the hurried nature of web visitors and they are easily disinterested when it is a new idea without proper, adequate, and simple information.

With premium stock content on Focused Collection, you are sure of being handy with easy-to-understand hero images that will explain the concept better to the mind of your hasty web visitors. They provide images that will get your potential customers captivated, convinced, and retained for action. Just the way you wish it to be!

It wakes and evokes emotions

Hero image evokes emotions

Without the human factor getting stirred, actions cannot be taken. The human emotions are responsible for the engagement, the trust, the convincing, and the actual purchase or subscription. And like they say that “seeing is believing” just like these creative and beautiful images on the page of Maybelline that appeals to the fashion emotions of women. And with the right and quality hero image(s), your web visitors and customers can easily connect with your ideas and this relationship is what leads to the various actions by the customers.

Having a website with a tone, a voice, and a soul is what keeps your customers loyal because you have been able to connect with them on a deeper level. By providing and presenting their immediate needs directly to them like you knew they would need them, makes room for trust and this is what keeps the business booming and the traffic coming.

Pictures are truly the life on the website and quality images that speak to your customers come only from Focused Collection. See high quality images at Focused Collection

The post The Importance of a High-Quality Hero Image in Your Design appeared first on Web Design Blog | Magazine for Designers.


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