Design your way

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Twitter is a powerful tool and it is used by businesses to promote their content as well as by public figures to keep in touch with their fans, but there are certain features that are missing at the moment and which could make it even better.

There are a lot of designers who try to figure out what can be added to the Twitter experience to make it better, but until two days ago, there wasn’t at least one of them who could actually pull it off and deliver a concept that would be insanely beautiful and also practical.

This concept that you are seeing in this article was created by Fred Nerby, an experienced Swedish art director based in Melbourne, Australia.

Now, I know what some of you might say about this. I’ve written before about unsolicited designs, but you have to give Fred some credit: his concept, even though it’s only a concept, is still a pretty good design.

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 1

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 2

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 3

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 4

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 5

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 6

A Twitter Design Concept That You Will Love 7


10 WordPress Code Formatting, Optimization and Performance Tips

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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WordPress is one of the easiest CMS to get started, with a lot of available plugins, themes and tutorials. But it’s also easy to get lost, write some bad code, and doing things that will certainly cost you a good time to fix in the future.

WordPress has a simple guide on code formatting and our intention is not to just replicate that, therefore we’ll take it to the next level and learn a little bit of everything when it comes to code organizing, performance and optimization.

One important thing also is to always use “future proof” solutions. WordPress code, themes and plugins are being updated all the time so you should make your code as easy as possible to debug and modify.

So, here we are with a few tips that will make your “future you” much happier. Some may seem too simple, such as code indentation and spaces, but in fact all of them are simple to implement and you’ll notice how better your code will be after this makeover.

Let’s get our hands dirty then!

#1 Consider creating all your functions inside of a class

When you’re creating your own plugin, you may need to create some common functions with rather common names like read_rss or seo_head. There’s a big chance that someone else has already created a function with this name, and if the user activates a plugin or theme with a duplicated function name he / she will get an ugly PHP error.

So a good recommendation is to wrap all functions inside of a big class then even if someone else has created a function with the same name as yours it won’t break anyone’s code since yours is only reference in the class.

#2 Always prefix your function names

If adding an entire class seems a lot of work for you, you could consider prefixing your functions with something that will be simple but different enough to avoid breaking other people’s code.

For example, if your plugin is called Awesome WordPress WhiteLabelling you could create a prefix like aww_FUNCTIONNAME() so all your functions will look both cute and unique at the same time.

#3 File naming conventions

When you need to search for a theme function, which file do you look first? I bet most of you would simply open the “functions.php” file under the theme folder. And what if you need to edit a plugin? Well, then you might want to search for a file with the same name as the plugin.

So there are quite a few common practices that may help you finding other people’s code and also creating your own:

  • General theme functions usually are under functions.php, unless it uses a framework

  • General plugin functions are in the file with the same name as the plugin folder

  • Wp-Admin related functions (like custom fields, widgets, theme options…) usually are in a separated file, in the /admin folder under theme folder

  • Images, CSS, and JS files are usually in their own folders (except the style.css file, which should always be in the main theme folder)

  • Page templates are usually prefixed with “page” or “template”, so it’ll be something like this page-TEMPLATENAME.php

#4 Empty space is important in your code also

How do you feel when you visit a site where every single pixel has been filled with some kind of information? When there isn’t space for the design elements to breathe?

Imprisoned, is probably the adjective you’re looking for.

The same rule applies to your code, if you don’t leave a few blank spaces in your code, it gets hard to read. Remember, most people only scan when they’re using computers, and you do the same thing.

So, instead of something like this:

<?php $myvar=14; $anothervar = "It's cool to add variables in the same line";
echo "Almost there!";

$args = array( 'this' => 'is', 'getting' => 'quite', 'confusing' => '!!!' );

Use something like this:

//always leave the opening "php" tag alone, so you'll clearly know when it starts

//add a tab or two if you want to align the variable values
$myvar = 14;
$anothervar = "It's cooler to have them in separated lines";

if( ! $myvar == 15 ) { //SPACES EVERYWHERE, including before & after the "!", "(", ")", "{" and so on
echo "Almost there!"; //indent your code, bro!

$args = array(
'this' => 'is',
'getting' => 'quite',
'much' => 'clearer' //easier to read if each item is in a separated line

It may be hard in the beginning but you’ll notice how good it’ll be to just scan your code and know exactly what each “if” clause is for.

#5 Underscore is for functions, hyphen is for folders

This is the common practice for a couple of good reasons. The first one is that folders and files are also URLs, and hyphen is not a nice URL character (not as good as hyphen, that is commonly used as a replacement for spaces even in domain names)

We should mention as well that function and variables sometimes need a 2-word-name, and camel case is not a common practice in the WP world.

#6 Don’t Java me

I’ve met a few programmers that came from the Java world and they are quite used to a few things that are really strange in this land. Check this code:

function addCustomPostMeta()
$seriously = "why??";

This is certainly strange for PHP eyes, something like this looks much better:

function add_custom_post_meta() {
$better_now = "right??";

#7 Disable the Shorthand at your localhost

A lot of guys feel tempted to use the PHP shorthand, like this:

<?=$myvar ?>
<!-- OR -->
//can you find what's wrong here?

While this is certainly an easier notation, it’s harder to read but most important, it won’t work in all servers. So in order to avoid user complains just disable it and code as it doesn’t exist. Pretty much the same thing as we were used to do when IE6 were still around.

Just ignore it, because it won’t ever work as you told it to.

#8 Load files only when you need them

Remember what we said about keeping your wp-admin related files separated? Here is one of the good reasons: You can improve your plugin performance drastically by doing so.

The sad and true story is, WordPress will call your functions.php file every time it loads, and this may consume a lot of time if you have external includes (since it needs to make sure that it’s not missing any action or filter). So you can use something as simple as this to make sure it will only be loaded when a logged in user is trying to load it:

if ( is_admin() ) {
//WordPress will only load this file when we're in the /wp-admin area

#9 Use the debugger style comment and function

While coding you may need to isolate a few code blocks, so this function may come in handy:

function debug($var) {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

It’ll nicely output any array, object or ugly items you need to debug. You could also add your comments like this while debugging a code snippet, so you can easily switch it off and on:

// some nice working code here
$var = "ok";

//* Here it starts to get confusing, disable me if you please
$blackmagic = true;
// and anything beyond here will be safe */

$othervar = "here it's ok also, so don't disable me";
// more nice working code here

Just remove the first slash (where you have //*) and it will be disabled, add it back and your code will be processed again.

#10 Break the rules when you want to

Of course you don’t need to hear me to be an awesome programmer. We’re just trying to help you. Same thing about other sites and even WP guidelines. You need to adjust the rules to your needs because there’s no point in following other people’s standards when you feel that it just won’t fit to your needs.

For example, one of the recommendations is to order alphabetically your CSS properties. That’s nice in theory, but I just don’t.

I follow the most confusing rule in the world to order them, the box model (starting from margins, borders, paddings then element styling). That’s because I don’t like to lose so much time by ordering rules, hence what is “natural” is just code as it comes to my mind.

You see? The standard is “ordering alphabetically will save you and other people’s time” but for me it would actually be a big waste of time.

So, what do you think?

Do you have any golden rule you want to share? Maybe your own tips? Don’t be shy and share your thoughts using the comments section!

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Design your way

Photography is becoming really popular and a lot of people want to get into it because it seems so easy. I said that it seems because that’s just how it is, people perceive the work of a photographer as simply taking pictures, which is the most annoying part of being a photographer.

Photography is a lot more than that and professionals have to endure silly thoughts from their clients who don’t quite appreciate the process that a photographer went through to get a certain picture.

To have a laugh about this whole situation, Shoppe Designs studio has created a series of typographic posters with satirical messages called Shoppe Satire, illustrating what photographers are hearing on a daily basis and what they are thinking, but not saying in order to keep those clients.

asdasdas Typographic Print Illustrating The Life Of Photographers 1

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asdasdas Typographic Print Illustrating The Life Of Photographers 8

asdasdas Typographic Print Illustrating The Life Of Photographers 9

asdasdas Typographic Print Illustrating The Life Of Photographers 10

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Design your way

Monday, July 29, 2013

Blogging has seen a meteoric rise over the last 5 or so years, and is now such an integral part of the Internet that it’s hard to imagine life without it. There are blogs on every possible topic out there, from fashion, to design, cooking and everything in between.

But one thing that’s common for many blogs is that they all use similar themes and templates. The majority of blogs use the standard templates from WordPress, or Tumblr or whichever CMS they’re using, and the downside here is that they can look a bit samey.

That’s why – when you come across a blog that has a unique, customized design – it often stands out. Blogs that have been designed with care and attention will often have a bit more of a personal feel to them. If you’re a designer, creating your own blog design will help to show off your style and taste, and is a fantastic way of standing out from the crowd.

To help inspire you, I’ve collected some of my favorite blog designs. Some of these are for individuals and have been designed with their tastes in mind, while others are for larger companies or agencies, and their unique designs help to show off their company culture. If you’ve found any designs that would be at home in this collection, I’d love to hear about them in the comments.


Oykun Beautiful Blog Design

Trent Walton

Trent Walton Beautiful Blog Design

Reagan Ray

Reagan Ray Beautiful Blog Design

Elliot Jay Stocks

Elliot Jay Stocks Beautiful Blog Design


Aetherpoint Beautiful Blog Design

Friends of Type

Friends of Type Beautiful Blog Design

Jason Santa Maria

Jason Santa Maria Beautiful Blog Design


Cognition Beautiful Blog Design

Signal vs Noise

Signal vs Noise Beautiful Blog Design

Alex Limi

Alex Limi Beautiful Blog Design


Servo Beautiful Blog Design

Lorenzo Verzini

Lorenzo Verzini Beautiful Blog Design

Fast Company Design

Fast Company Design Beautiful Blog Design

Katy Skelton

Katy Skelton Beautiful Blog Design


Panic Beautiful Blog Design

Kerem Suer

Kerem Suer Beautiful Blog Design

Code School

Code School Beautiful Blog Design


6Wunderkinder Beautiful Blog Design

Timothy Achumba

Timothy Achumba Beautiful Blog Design

Tim Van Damme

Tim Van Damme Beautiful Blog Design

If you know of any beautifully designed blogs that should be included in the collection, leave a comment!

Author bio

David works for, who create beautiful grab bags. Outside of work, he builds web apps and enjoys learning user interface design.


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